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West African Hills

Watching God Work in Western Africa

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About Us

Roy and Faith Hill

I​n 2010,we, along with our three children began our ministry in Sierra Leone.  Our goals are focused in three main areas:

- Training pastors to spread the gospel to their own people

- Helping meet medical needs through a clinic and mobile clinics

- Meeting the needs of women in remote areas

Please consider partnering with us to accomplish these and many other things as you will see in this website.


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West African Hills Programs

Aspects of Ministry


Continuing Education for Pastors

Most pastors are trained and then sent to remote areas were they minister alone, without any refreshment or new teaching. Imagine your pastor preaching each Sunday, but without books, internet, or Christian radio and podcasts.   These pastors desperately need more.  We will be traveling around the country, as Roy spends time with the pastors to help them continue to learn more about God's Word.

Evangelism and the Jesus Film

Roy will be training young men to evangelism using picture Bibles, followed by the Jesus Film. When the film is shown, the whole village shows up to watch!

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Mobile Clinics

Amazing Opportunity

Medical care is scarce, so Faith endeavors to bring health care to those who have none.  This can be challenging, but we have seen many people regain health.  We are always looking for medical personnel who would like to come for short term trips!

Women's Ministry

Unique Adventure

Up to this point, women have had little to no chance to have ministry and fellowship specific to their needs.  It has been a joy to begin to minister among them and see their joy and their hunger for God.  Faith will be doing womens ministry and discipleship while Roy is working with the Pastors

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Picture Bibles

Training Evangelism Teams

Established Churches are equipped to reach their neighboring villages with the gospel using Picture Bibles, telling the stories of the Bible with the intention of leading them to salvation.  This training is intentionally geared to reach Muslims with the Gospel of Christ.

Find out more about our program offerings.

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How To Partner With Us

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The most obvious way to partner with us is thru financial support.  This can be done through both one-time gifts and monthly giving.  You can support us by clicking on the link below:

Account #218

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One-time Projects

Ways for you or your group to get involved


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Build a church building


Once a stable group of believers are meeting regularly in a village as a result of evangelism, they need a building in which to meet, but often do not have the resources with which to purchase the materials.  You can partner with them to help build a church building for them to worship and meet in. In the eyes of the community, a building speaks of validity.

Sponsor a Student


Many young people from remote villages have no means with which to pay school fees for high school or higher education, including pastors training. For young women specifically, funds for schooling can mean the difference between being married off at 14-16 years of age (sometimes to a muslim man) and being allowed to obtain training as a nurse or teacher

Create a Well


Some villages have water sources that are contaminated, causing rampant sickness. Others have water sources that are miles away, making it necessary for the villagers to spend large amounts of time simply trying to get water for their needs. You can help put in a sanitary water source to help an entire village, opening the door for us to explain about the living water.

Casual Sneakers

Sponsor a mobile clinic trip


Medical care is still not readily available to many villages.  You, or your group can help provide the funding needed to purchase the needed medications and the necessary transportation to get us there to properly dispense it.

Buy a Pair of Shoes

$10/pair of shoes

Many people of the villages do not have shoes.  You can help provided a pair of shoes for a child, a leprosy patient, a widow, or a pastor or gospel team member who is walking to villages with the gospel.

Provide a motorcycle for a Pastor


While this may seem like a luxury item in the USA, overseas motorcycles can go places that 4 wheeled vehicles cannot, especially during the rainy season, and take less time to get somewhere. A motorcycle could help us reach the more remote areas for evangelism and pastor training.

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Sponsor an Evangelist

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$300/ month

We have men who are eager to travel around Sierra Leone, speaking in churches and towns.  However, the church is not able to financially support them, and if they are traveling, they cannot support themselves.  Prayerfully consider making a one or two year commitment to sponsor these men.

Provide a Tablet

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These tablets are very durable and are loaded with evangelism material, the Jesus film, Sunday school materials, Discipleship materials, and material for witnessing to Muslims. They are not able to be used for internet, but rather serve as a portable library. Some of the materials are in English and some are in their own native language. Pastors and lay leaders can be trained to use the tablets for  witnessing

Emergency Medical Fund


Amount of your choosing

Very few people here can afford basic medical care. When a serious need, such as a critical illness, accident, or surgical need arises, people often come to us requesting assistance.

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For each of the above categories, please contact us to inform us of your wishes.  It is very important to us that we use your donation according to your designation. While we have one account with Ripe for Harvest, your communication allows us to keep track of how your gift is spent.

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Ripe For Harvest 
We are missionaries with Ripe for Harvest, a non-denominational mission organization that endeavors to help missionaries fulfill what they feel God has called them to do.

Contact us

2222 N Philip Rd Niles, MI 49120


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Connect here to here about what is happening in our ministry as well as some of the things we are learning as we endeavor to live out Christ across cultures.

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